Although we see movies and TV series showing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality as a thing for the future, these technologies are much more present in today’s world than you might think. Companies from different markets train new employees using these technologies, in addition to bring the rest of the team up-to-date.

Depending on the sector, training and specialization is necessary and, to reduce costs and risks, companies are adopting the use of VR and AR to modernize the operation. These technologies are no longer reserved only for training aircraft pilots or astronauts. They are now also used by companies from a wide range of areas such as technology, health, and even in retail.

Training your team

Some startups are using Virtual Reality (VR) to teach people how to drive cars and practice before taking exams to get their driver’s license. Thus, roads become safer for students and pedestrians since nobody would get hurt in the event of an accident.

Walmart, for example, has been using VR and AR to train their employees to increasingly improve customer service. They place salespersons in the position of customers, with different stories, backgrounds and scenarios. As a result, employees come to understand better their clients, their mood and the reasons behind a potential sale. In turn, the staff are better prepared to assist buyers and ensure the success of the sale.

In schools, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality can be combined with gamification in education. Using these technologies, students can be introduced to subjects such as History and Arts, for example, and participate in simulations of places that teachers are talking about in the classroom. Thus, students have a visual and detailed class for the subject they are studying. 

If you would like to know how VR and AR can be implemented and have ideas to use it on your product or company, please contact NextOS. We have the best applications and solutions for your business.

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