A lot is said about gamification and its application in the most different markets. This strategy has become increasingly popular in digital marketing, but do you know what is it about? Can it also be applied to your company’s business?

The idea is simple: take the entertaining aspects and mechanics used in games and apply them to your business model to engage employees and consumers. A tedious task can become fun when turn into a game by introducing features like storytelling, scores and rewards.

Once the playful elements of games are brought to business, it’s possible to achieve extraordinary results. This idea is already being used in different markets, such as healthcare, technology, education, marketing and even in the corporate environment.

There are two distinct types of gamification that you should know before deciding how to apply this method to your business: analog or digital.

Analog Gamification

As the name implies, analog gamification is the one done in real life, using cards, boards, dice, and others. This method is widely used in education, especially for children.

Much is said about gamification in education, after all, bringing this technique to the classroom give students a bit more of fun while they learn. Children and youth are even more interested when there is a reward for every “mission” they complete in a given lesson. 

The analog gamification has an emotional appeal to some people raising a nostalgic feeling. It is also a great tool to exercise social skills by putting participants face to face to play. Sometimes analog games can spark exciting emotions, especially for those who do not often play classic analog games.

Boardgames are a great example of analog gamification

Digital Gamification

Digital gamification, on the other hand, takes advantage of technology to explore its benefits on a wide range of areas. It enables the use of multimedia resources, such as videos, photos and animations, making activities even more dynamic and interactive.

Corporate gamification uses this model to attract more customers. Using mobile apps or websites with intelligent navigation and UX techniques, gamification brings potential customers to the commercial teams.

Using cell phones and tablets, so common nowadays, digital gamification impact even more people in different parts of the globe. This way different markets can use digital gamification since they’re more easily accepted by the public, since the new generations are practically online all the time.

In the last decade, video games have gained a huge importance in the market

Now that you know how gamification works, you’re ready to implement the idea into your business model. NextOS has the best applications to help you and your company, just contact us to leverage your product.

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