Mars being “conquered”, doctors operating at a distance, cybernetic implants, artificial intelligence, smart homes – all of this shows that we’re reaching the future we dreamed of decades ago. However, just as technology helps us to optimize work, save time in production and make many things easier, it can also make some careers go obsolete.

We’ve put together some jobs that could be performed by robots in the next decade, thanks to the technological advances that exist today. Would you be unemployed or would you still have a few more years guaranteed before switching your field of work?

1. Heavy lifting

Why use people if this type of service can be done by machines? More than facilitating the work and being able to carry much more weight, the use of robots prevents accidents and health issues. Not to mention that many parts and objects with absurd weights can be transported automatically by machines.

Heavy lifting

2. Textile Industry

The precise work on the textile industry can be calculated, programmed and replicated by robots, and be easily performed by machines on a small or large scale. In addition to optimizing the production line, intelligent machinces reduce time and increase the production daily capacity.

Textile industry already uses robots to do the hard work

3. Retail Services

Several retail segments already use applications and softwares to reduce human labor. This already brings to light the use of machines and tends to increase with its popularization and technological advancements.

4. Accountants

Jobs that require exact calculations are likely to have a greater chance of being done better by robots than by humans. So, it’s just a matter of time for machines to take over this market branch and start taking care of your income tax.

5. Call Centers

Many call centers around the world already use a simple virtual communication system without requiring humans to do this work. So, is it possible for us to imagine that robots can carry out this type of task entirely?

The integration between software and hardware shows a lot of positives of the technological advances. In addition to doing a job with maximum precision and assertiveness, machines work 24/7 and optimize your company’s production in the best possible way.

NextOS can find the best solutions for who’s in need with hardware and software integration – get in touch with us. Do you imagine robots performing any other type of service?

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